To be a teenager again! To be young and carefree! I am somewhat envious of my ds who had a very busy social schedule this week.
First of all, there was the semi formal dance that his High School had on Wednesday.
All That Glitz and Glamour was the theme and of course included the purchase of new pants, shirt, tie and shoes for the occasion. (I have no idea when he will stop growing!!) He looked very handsome and had a wonderful time.

Then on Friday night he was off to a Sweet 16 party for one of his girl friends. It was held at a banquet hall with dinner, a DJ and dancing and was another great time for him and his friends.
Saturday, of course, was Valentines Day and when I asked him if he had plans, he said he wasn't sure but he would probably be getting together with some of his friends later in the day.
How is it that I get to work 50+ hours a week, and am too tired to even go out if I had the chance, but my 15 year old is having the social time of his life? This was the question that was going through my head as I put in another 8 hours at work on Saturday.
When I finally made it home, close to 6 pm, I was greeted by my dear husband at the door. He gave me a big hug to welcome me home and as I walked into the dimly lit kitchen I saw that the table was set for a nice romantic dinner for... three?! Yes, three! My dh went through all the trouble of ordering out Chinese food (my fav), setting a gorgeous Valentine themed table complete with candles and wine, and when he realized that our son would be home for dinner didn't have the heart to exclude him. So the three of us enjoyed a lovely Valentine's dinner!
Oh well, I guess when all is said and done, I really wouldn't want my life to be any other way right now. I love my job. I love my children. I especially love my husband. He is thoughtful and caring. Thank you Wayne, for a wonderful Valentine's Day!
(Loved you then, love you now, love you forever!!