It has been a wonderful summer! It started with an incredible trip to Mexico and I didn't think it could get better! Then I had an amazing time with my mom and sisters at a little resort in Michigan! Perfect! Then we enjoyed a delightful graduation party for my son and niece during which we were able to visit with the entire family! Doesn't get much better than that!
But then I was surprised with a totally unexpected visit from my sister Mary and her daughter and her little baby this past weekend! Oh my gosh! My heart was so filled with joy at seeing them as they came running into my bedroom at midnight on Friday and yelling, "SURPRISE!" that all I could do was cry! Luckily I was still awake and reading a book, but I wondered aloud a few times if I was actually dreaming! Happy tears just flooded out as my heart took in the reality of their visit! The next morning I woke early and peeked into their bedroom and my heart was full at seeing them peacefully asleep in my home. I crawled back into bed and whispered to Mr. B, "They really
are here! It wasn't just a dream!"
I began counting graces with
Ann many months ago and I still keep my list. Each day I make note of the wondrous gifts in my life and I have come to truly appreciate that '
all is grace' - all is a special gift from the hand of our awesome God! Each joyful moment, each realization of the wonders of nature, each tug of my heart as I feel a special love for someone - pure grace!
As I put pen to paper - or in this case fingers to keyboard - I scarcely know where to begin! But I will recount some special moments from this wonderful summer, beginning with my 'sisters/girls weekend'...
#201. time spent on the beach
#202. colorful umbrellas
#203. great summer reading
#204. adorable baby beachwear
#205. antique stores
#206. the outdoor farmers market on a Saturday morning
#207. sweet cottages with white picket fences that are so pretty to look at
#208. the perfect little resort that we return to year after year
#209. a great-grandmother's love
#210. having a picnic dinner and enjoying one of the best cheeseburgers
ever from the Cheeseburger Festival!
#211. saying good-night to another perfect day

When you count grace today, what are you most thankful for?