"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10
Be still. Do you know how hard it is to be still sometimes? To.truly.be.still? In the depths of our being. To be still enough to hear the silence. To be still enough to hear our thoughts. To be still enough to hear His voice.

I am struggling with being still. I am struggling to slow down. I am afraid that if I am still, I will get behind! And so I blindly run through each day and hope that I am somewhat near the right path... that I am doing the right things... that I am not neglecting those things which are most important.
I pray to be still. I pray for that inner peace and quiet that I used to take for granted! I pray for the desire to sit at the feet of Jesus and let everything else wait. I pray to hear. I pray to know that He is God!
My list continues with gratitude for all the blessings that fill my days.
#288. a pretty new scarf that makes me feel cozy on cold, grey days
#289. fresh blueberries
#290. unexpected compliments
#291. scrapbook friends that encourage
#292. sitting in church next to Spencer and feeling deep gratitude that his faith is strong
#293. people that make me laugh
#294. french toast for dinner
#295. productive work days
#296. Mr. B always helping without me having to ask
#297. knowing grey hair and wrinkles are a gift of time
#298. a full moon smiling down on me as I drive home from work
#299. the Italian market near my Mom's house that I love shopping at
#300. a quiet evening after a long day at work
#301. connecting with an old friend
#302. reading a great book for book club
#303. getting 105 points for playing 'ozone' on words with friends (triple 'z' plus triple word!)
#304. Spring being just around the corner
#305. a messy scrapbook space which means I have been creative!