This past Monday was my birthday and, fortunately for me, I happened to be in Las Vegas with my BFF, Carolyn, for a trade show for work. Since the trade show didn't start until Tuesday, we decided to make a trip out to the the Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon!
It was such an awesome day and I took tonnes of pictures. Here are just a few :)
Our first stop was the Hoover Dam! It is truly an engineering wonder and a work of art all at the same time!
There was a bit of a wind when we were there, so we had fun trying to get a picture of each of us without our hair flying in front of our faces!
Standing in two states at once! How fun!
From the Hoover Dam we made our way to the West Rim of the Grand Canyon.
The road to the Grand Canyon was such a delight for the eye! There were awesome cactus, Joshua trees, and cattle everywhere!
For some reason this row of mailboxes intrigued me. They seemed to be begging to have their picture taken so we stopped along the side of the road and I grabbed a couple of photos :)
This turquoise one was my favorite, even though it looked a bit neglected.
The cattle that roamed near the road were just beautiful!
This mama cow had her little one with her. The baby obviously has not been taught how to smile for the camera yet!
After lots of driving, we finally saw the sign welcoming us to the beginning of the Hualapai Nation Reserve. Only about 45 more minutes to go!
Our first view of the canyon! Just breathtaking!!
Perfect place for a photo op!
This is Eagle Point - can you see the eagle?
Yes, we went out on the Sky Walk! Scary but amazing!
Guano Point is the site of an old Bat Cave where they mined guano
(I will let you look that one up! lol).
Part of the old mine.
Picnic anyone? This table is literally 'on the edge'!
Carolyn taking shelter in the shade :)
This fascinating little lizard was having a feast of very large flying ants! Yummm!
Our last stop was Lake Mead at sunset - gorgeous!!
God's beautiful creation is such a wonder that it is hard to take in the fullness of it's beauty. I am so glad that I have these photos and the memories that go with them to remind me of all that we saw and experienced. It was such a blessed day and a great way to spend my birthday!