The dining room table was beautifully set and included gorgeous peach colored roses and a home-made cookie for each of us :)
When we weren't laughing at Dianne, we were all watching the football game. It was tense as the tied game went into overtime.
I just love my two sisters ♥ When I am not with them, I miss them more than I can say.
Little Nolan was having so much fun during the day that he wouldn't stop long enough for me to take his picture. It wasn't until he was all bundled up to head home that I was finally able to get a photo of him. Such a cutie!
It was a busy couple of days and it was wonderful to catch up with my family. I am so grateful for the times when we can gather together and just enjoy each other's company. As we drove back home at the end of the weekend, I realized how blessed I truly am. When I stop to count all that I am thankful for, I realize that I can barely put into words all that I am grateful for. My heart is full!
"It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to the Most High." Psalm 92:1

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